Book this seminar for groups and in-house when it suits you – available in German and English:
Turn into the talent magnet!
- personality counts more than top of the class grades
Top marks are not a guarantee for being top at woe too. It is not unusual that personality outweighs grades once the young people enter the workforce.
- dormant talents in your own team
Quite often the good is oh so near…..Not everyone delivered the perfect start in the team and did not get a chance to show their talent
- where are they ….
Big corporations queue at the top universities to cream off the high potentials. Who can compete with them? At sports clubs, theatre groups etc you will find many young people who organise and run things. Those are the ones with real potential.
- and they leave the day after
How does one retain the young workforce? Big salaries, company car and boni are not the answer. The magic word is great leadership. Gen Y follows great leaders like you.
- and much more
Half, one or two day seminars – you have got the choice.
Seminar/Workshop style: short introductions that lead to activities like the Marshmellow Test, analysis of multiple intelligences etc. The participants get practical tools and an information pack.