Understanding Generation Y and How to Motivate It
Everybody talks about generation Y and more and more companies, leaders and managers realise that generation Y requires a different style of leadership. Digital Natives don;t leave their house without their smartphone and communicate via twitter and facebook – informatino flow is faster and faster and so is the communication – the traditional ways are too slow for young people. Do you know how to make use of generation Y’s resouces and strength? Do you know how to integrate the young workforce sucessfully into your organisation? Discover the loyalty of generation Y.
Generation Y (1980-2000) is a challenge for all of us.As we cooperate and work more and more with young people we realise that they are different. They comminuicate online, are loyal to their skills and request respect. This could be a great opportunity to re-assess traditional methods and to learn from each other? Generation Y has lots to offer.
Awareness and understanding for generational differences with special focus on generaiton Y bring clarity and make it a lot easier for us to motivate and lead the young workforce.